By Scott Green — Seattle, Washington
Through July 2008
The ICOC Church Builders Service Team is publishing reports for leaders to see what their brothers are doing in other regions of the world. This is the first in a series of reports. Click here for links to the websites for these churches.
Points of Prayer
Northwest Region / Canada & USA Seattle, Washington
- We just planted our third church, in Bellingham WA (Western WA University). The first two were Tacoma and Spokane.
- Our NW Christian Conference just concluded–best attendance ever (some 800 disciples) and best spirit ever.
- We are baptizing at a rate that will make 2008 our most fruitful year in the past 11
- Hiring a teen minister in January. Hooray.
- We bought our first church building–right near the heart of the city, a 1906 classic.
- We just concluded plans for all the NW churches to cooperate in a region-wide Missions Training Program that will include:
- Online teaching/curriculum, for both full time and non-FT leaders
- Plans to co-op on missions $$ for the NW, pooling our capital to help smaller churches ( a sort of Nobel Prize for needier churches)
- Minister Exchange Program in summers (swapping ministers for the sake of synergy and mutual evaluation)
- Summer Service Campaigns to help jump start the helping of the poor AND evangelism (as we make a name for Jesus) in our smaller churches
Prayer Needs:
- For the fruit of our new married with kids (MK) ministry approach–we have “mission towns” (like house churches) who do all their own work on town vision and how to evangelize their specific towns, schools, etc. We believe in this, but it’s just starting. It has been a long time since our families ministries were significantly fruitful.
- Identify and raise up regional elders to assist, as a team, the FT staff couple in leading the region
- More ways to help our smaller churches. many have been understaffed and underfunded for a long, long time. some have yet to reach a “critical mass” needed for them to flourish
- Lynne Green’s recovery (cancer last year)
- We want to blend “fresh grads” and professional singles into BTs near other campuses so as to start new campus ministries in the city. This is a fledgling attempt and needs much prayer
Vancouver, Canada
- Solidification of congregational leadership team consisting of 7 couples;
- Plans in place to appoint elders by late 2008 or early 2009;
- Many successful and effective ongoing efforts to help the “poor and needy” in our city – MacDonald School, Christmas Wish List for the Homeless, B.C. Children’s Hospital (Fund raising and dinners for families and patients), Refugee Children’s Party, etc.;
- We are learning to celebrate our diversity, accept one another in matters of opinion and utilize our individual gifts to serve the church and the world;
- Successful Women’s Night event with many visitors;
- Several weddings or engagements of “older” singles – there is hope!
- Older couple converted (husband is 60)
Prayer Needs:
- Need to get our campus ministry restarted – still trying to find a campus minister/intern;
- That our focus on evangelism this summer & fall will encourage greater consistency, joy and effectiveness in our outreach;
- That we can find a foreign mission focus where we can have a relationship/involvement, not just send money
Sacramento, California
- Church feels like family to one another;
- Campus ministry is growing again;
- New young leaders have given the campus and church renewed hope.
Prayer Needs:
- Marrieds giving God their first love and engaging in lifestyle evangelism
- Greater faith
- Conviction to serve the poor.
Boise, Idaho
- The service ethic of our church; growing, more intimate spiritual relationships;
Prayer Needs:
- Greater inspiration and to be unafraid and unashamed as daily disciples in Boise
Spokane, Washington
- Hosted NW Youth Camp,
- Assembled mission service team to Juarez, Mexico;
- Surpassed missions contribution goal;
- Supported an orphanage in Bethany, Jerusalem;
- Funded local interns;
- A member’s son healed of cancer!
- We are becoming, culturally, a “house of prayer”
Prayer Needs:
- Church planting in Pullman, WA (Wash State Univ)
- More local leaders: internships and Bible Talk Leaders
- Healthy discipleship and genuine fellowship
- Become self-supporting in 2009
- Grow our membership over 200
- Be a City Set on a Hill in Spokane
- Overcome recent persecution in our campus ministry
Anchorage, Alaska
- We are encouraged in how the whole church has taken on different roles according to their gifts.
- It has been great to see people grow through their service to God and His Church.
- A strong independent group.
Prayer Needs:
- We need to get people out of their shells and more engaged in the mission.
- We also need to help people navigate the transitions of life in a spiritual manner.
- The Anchorage Church is full of people who used to make great impacts with the lost and in the church, but have now allowed life and circumstance swallow them up–pray for renewed focus
Calgary, Canada
Prayer Needs:
- For a smooth transition as a new couple from Toronto begin leading the church this fall
Ashland, Oregon
- We now have an established and growing campus ministry.
Prayer Needs:
- We want to now build a growing singles and marrieds ministry
Edmonton, Canada
Prayer Needs:
- We need a lead couple–we are searching
- Asking for any leaders to visit Edmonton in 2009. Please come!
Missoula, Montana
- Secured new meeting facility improving worship service, fellowship & children’s ministry
- Great growth in maturity of members and recommitment to God and one another
- Increased faith and growth in the campus ministry
- Significant strengthening of relationships of MT church leader couples thru wkly contact
- Increased interaction among members between churches thru special events & visits to services
Prayer Needs:
- Increased focus on community outreach
- Continued growth in the faith and unity of our members individually and collectively
- Continued growth in the teen ministry and campus ministry
- The efficacy of fall workshops: Congo weekend with Bruce & Robyn Williams, Evidences with Foster Stanback, and a congregational workshop with Mark and Annie McCune
Great Falls, Montana
- Begun outreach through community service projects:
- Disciples are assisting with a back-to-school drive for kids in need
- Last week members handed out invites to local residents where church meets
- Five visitors attended church last Sunday as a result!
Prayer Needs:
- Strengthening of personal relationships w/i body and greater unity as a result
- Continuing prayer for Bible studies to be set up from community outreach
Bozeman, Montana
- Church leaders, Steve & Ginger Ziglowsky, secured full-time positions locally enabling them to remain in Bozeman
- God worked through 14 disciples to bring 3 souls to Christ!
Prayer Needs:
- Currently interviewing candidates for campus intern position at MSU in Bozeman