KNN Episode 4: Featuring Common Wealth Sector ~ January 1995


  1. Hope WW – Village of Hope Leprosy Clinic Dedication
  2. Hope WW – Projects in India
  3. Mark & Nadine Templer – Bombay and Bangalore Plantings, Persecutions in India
  4. Doug & Joyce Arthur Introduce Leadership of Different Regions
  5. Church History in Australia – London – Boston – Sydney – Melbourne – Adelaide.

Mission Minutes

  1. KNN Now Closed Captioned
  2. British – Aussie – South Africa Rugby Tournament
  3. New York Church AMS Ministry Choir Featured
  4. Color Blind & Phil Lamb at Talahassee, FL at Governors Inaugural Breakfast
  5. Hope for Kids given Healthy Families Award from Proctor & Gambel
  6. Hope for Children – Twins Adopted

Nation Countdown

  1. Sunday Attendance – 100k
  2. Los Angeles Grows to 4600 Disciples, 7400 in Sunday Attendance
  3. Evangelization Proclamation – 66 Countries, 98 to Go
  4. Churches Planted in 1994 Closing: Music Video to Radical Love

Anchored In 

English, Spanish, French, Hindi