1987 Bulletins from the Boston Church of Christ. January 1987 GoalsAndrew Lindo Appointed EvangelistA Church of Many NationsConsumed By The Kingdom February He Will Lift You UpOpen Your Eyes1987 World Missions Seminar – Sent By The Spirit April Wrestling In PrayerThe Workers Are FewWill You Dare? August Four Radical DaysRandall Kent McKean Appointed EvangelistSan Francisco Church of Christ1987 Plantenrship September Smashin – 1987 World Missions SeminarAwaken The Dawn1003 Attend First Service San FranciscoFor One Hour October Robert W. Tranchell Appointed EvangelistBuilding Powerful Campus MinistriesA Hard TeachingRemnant Theology November Preston Shepherd Appointed EvangelistRonald A. Drabo Appointed EvangelistTerminologyThe Glory of SufferingWorld Report December R Thomas Brown Appointed EvangelistJames J. Condon Appointed EvangelistThe San Diego Church of ChristThe Zeal of The Almighty