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- Create Date January 1, 2001
- Last Updated August 19, 2021

LA Story – Meet The Parents
The Christmas Season is over. It is my favorite time of the year, not because of the presents that I get, but because of family. My wife and I have three daughters, all of whom are married to Wonderful, spiritual men. Between them, they have five daughters (In November, Andy and Staci had the latest in our unbroken string of girls: Kimberly Joy Yeatman, who weighed in at 11 pounds and one ounce – a new family record!) All of the kids and grandkids were home for Christmas. That was pure joy; I look forward to it all year, each year. We had lots of playing and laughing and catching up and remembering and dreaming. It only lasted a week, but it will keep me happy for a long time. God sets the lonely in families, and we all have been lonely at some time and in need of family.