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- Create Date January 28, 2021
- Last Updated January 28, 2021
Plan for United Cooperation Summary
The purpose of this document is to provide a structure for Regional and International cooperation among our family of churches around the world.
The Regional Families of Churches
For decades we, like the churches in the New Testament, have functioned as regional families of churches. This cooperation plan recognizes the existing families of churches worldwide and encourages their growth and continuation.
Churches participate in this “Cooperation Plan” by first identifying themselves with the circle of churches in their geographic region. These regional families of churches are expected to engage in humble and meaningful relationships with each other at the regional level. They are committed to mutual discipling, exchanges of full-time workers, and cooperation on church plantings, missions and working relationships and mutually respectful, agreed accountability with other church leaderships in their region. [1]
These regional families of churches are committed to cooperate in every way needed to advance the gospel and maintain doctrinal and relational unity. Leaders meet regularly to pray, coordinate, and strengthen one another. Regional groups work together to plant new congregations, plan regional conferences, camps, seminars, and events. Each region establishes regional committees as needed and works together to strengthen weak churches.