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- Create Date February 15, 2021
- Last Updated March 28, 2022

Revolution Through Restoration II: The 20th Century Church
Preface : by Al Baird
"And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved."
Acts 2:47
"So the word of God spread. The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly."
Acts 6:7
"The Lord's hand was with them, and a great number of people believed and turned to the Lord."
Acts 11:21
Revolution II is our first sequel to Kip McKean's article, "Revolution Through Restoration: From Jerusalem to Rome, From Boston to Moscow", which originally appeared in Upside Down magazine, April, 1992. Typically, movie sequels are rarely as good as the original. Kip's latest article, "Revolution Through Restoration II: The Twentieth Century Church" is even better than the first.
Communication is a major challenge in every interpersonal dynamic. It is the major problem area in marriage as well as in churches. It is so very difficult to get everyone in every church around the world to grasp the big picture of what God is doing. Almost three baptisms per hour and two new churches a month in places we have seldom or never heard of staggers our minds. Kip has done an excellent job in this article of putting these events into perspective. A few days ago I was interviewed via telephone by a newspaper reporter in London. He had heard that the United States Churches had just sent 50 evangelists to London to help the church there -- a major cause for alarm in his mind. Of course, I had to clarify for him that 50 disciples from Philadelphia and Washington D.C. had taken a vacation from their jobs to go to England to help out for a couple of weeks in a summer campaign! The world has a hard time understanding such commitment.
In a question that revealed his skepticism, a reporter challenged me: "Surely you do not believe that your people will be able to grow from 1,000,000 disciples to 5,000,000 as easily as you did from 10,000 to 50,000, do you?" "Why not?" I replied. "Just as long as everyone continues to do his part it will happen." I have so much confidence that it will happen when I see what has already occurred. Your confidence will grow as well when you see the miracles of our church's growth, the increase in the number of churches and the number of nations and attendance in just fifteen years. Truly God is good. It only gets better.