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- Create Date January 1, 2010
- Last Updated October 12, 2022

The Greatest Commandment and the Great Commission
Something in the human DNA drives us to admire greatness. It is no wonder when we realize the greatness of the Creator. God has blessed humans with the desire to change the world around us and the ability to discern the priorities needed to take on that noble task. Of course, being humans of free will, we have alternately honored God with those gifts and distorted them to our shame. We strive for the greatness of curing cancer as we scurry about worshipping celebrity idols and performing unfathomable acts of corporate and personal violence. Our relationship with our Creator is the great drama of this world.
In writing the scripts of our lives, we have long sought the core of the eternal plot. What is most important? What is the greatest? God doesn't leave us hanging waiting for a panel of judges, call-in vote or even Oprah.