About Us

We will not hide them from our children; we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his power and his mighty wonders. – Psalm 78:4 NLT
The International Churches of Christ are disciples of Jesus of all ages, races, and socioeconomic backgrounds in over 700 churches in over 150 countries. We are people who have found God and are committed to serving him and his children around us. (Click here to find a church near you.)
This website contains the history of our global family of churches as told in original sources. We stand in awe of what God has done among us in such a short time. We invite you to join us through eyewitness testimonies. 
This website is owned by Disciples Today, the official media of the ICOC. It was initiated and sponsored by the Beam Missions Foundation to provide a library for hundreds of students in missions schools around the world. And it will no doubt be used by many others who wish to study our story as part of God’s story. Please start your research here.
I have personally gathered the history of the ICOC for over 40 years because I believe it is our responsibility to pass God’s work on to future generations. We are all deeply grateful to Doug Arthur and the Beam Missions Foundation for their vision and action to inspire new generations of disciples around the world. 
For those who want to share more resources of ICOC history, please send your ideas to content@dtoday.net.
May you be informed and inspired by the past to serve God and others more effectively in the future.
Roger Lamb, Founder & CEO Emeritus, Disciples Today

ICOCHistory.org Team

Roger Lamb, Director, Boston, MA, USA

Lai-Yan Faller, Editor, Portland, Maine, USA

Benjamin Ali, Webmaster, Johannesburg, South Africa

Brandon Owens, Assistant Editor, Birmingham, UK