LA Story – Beyond 2000
God’s Holy Spirit is once again moving mightily among the nations – like he did in the pages of the Bible. How else could his disciples explode from one to 113 nations in only 18 years? Dreams that some of us dared to dream many years ago are now rapidly becoming a reality. A movement born among a handful of desperate men and women in a Boston living room has
spread to cities and countries whose names we struggle to pronounce. We are only three years away from meeting a nearly impossible goal – by the year 2000, to plant a church in every nation that has a city population of at least 100,000. When the goal was set in 1994, churches existed in only 49 of those 166 nations. In the three years since then, the number of churches in God’s modern-day movement has grown by 64 nations. Can anything stop us from covering the remaining 57 nations in the final three years? Well, yes! Satan is hard at work to stop the spread of God’s Kingdom. And his primary weapon is disunity. For this very reason, Paul charges us to make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit.
During these past 18 years, we have fought several battles to maintain this unity. The World Sector Leaders who are responsible for leading the charge into the nations take very seriously
the challenge of keeping unity. Each one has been willing to sacrifice resources from his own world sector for the good of the whole.